A contemporary painting stars a youngster in a cedar bark hat an wings surrounded by a path of wisdom by Nena Howell, Tlingit artist.


Through Art
A Tlingit raven-masked dancer lands on the forest floor, protecting the portal between worlds.


Through Art
Dynamic dance of becoming in this abstract floral painting by Nena Howell. Magenta and asparagus green.


Through art

Relax and Explore!

When you’re inexplicably drawn in by one of our originals, we'll smile and dance in delight for you!

Select Nena Howell original paintings on exhibition in November at Gallery 110, downtown Seattle, Best of the Northwest, Seattle, and Lemolo Wenatchee, Washington. CLICK HERE for details.

Elevate your spaces, enrich your spirit.

Nena Howell’s contemporary visual fine arts builds art collection that inspire and uplift. Nena was born and raised in Edmonds, Wash., and is a certified Tlingit and Haida Alaska native artist. Her work encourages wellness and prosperity, elevating the most particular asset portfolios for generations to come.

Nena Howell

Meet the Artist

Nena's Contemporary Tlingit visual artwork is an expression of movement and connection that intersects people, nature and her Tlingit and Ukrainian roots. She strives to infuse each work with themes of abundance, wellness and stewardship.